5 Rock Pigeon Mantras For Resilience And Survival

Kabutars (rock pigeons) elicit two opposing feelings in Indians: 'Aaa' or 'Hhat' (come or go). The rock pigeons have thrived in the busiest, most crowded, and human-dominated regions on the planet, despite the love and abuse they have received. With their concrete landscapes, cities have limited green spaces. Rock pigeons, for example, have mastered the art of adapting to urban environments. These medium-sized greyish-blue pigeons are probably the most frequent in cities today. Have you ever pondered how they were able to accomplish such a feat? 5 Rock Pigeon Mantras for Resilience and Survival In this exclusive interview, Ms. Pigeon shares her family's mantras for successfully coexisting with humans in cities. Seize Opportunities 'In the city, there are those who look after us and those who do not. So, we might get grain and water today, but not tomorrow. Knowing this, we pigeons have learned to stay positive and adapt to our surroundings. If we are unable to...