
Showing posts with the label Short Stories

Shikra- The Unhappy and Dissatisfied Common Hawk (Part 1)

Ms. Shikra is displeased. It all started when she overheard the babbler sisters gossiping last month. They were discussing how someone was drawing bird portraits. She approached them, curious, to learn more. They told Ms. Shikra about the human who was drawing bird portraits. Ms. Shikra was directed to the portrait artist by the sisters. She dashed off to see her drawing, hoping to hang it in her home. When she arrived, she asked the human to show her her picture. But what caused her to be so unhappy and dissatisfied? Read on to know Ms. Shikra's story.  Here is what Ms. Shikra saw. 'It was ugly,' Ms. Shikra added. 'It didn't look anything like me,' she continued. I am known for my petite yet strong frame. And my sharp eyes. My beautiful white-brown front and silver wings were also not seen because the portrait was in black and white. I was furious, and I squawked my dissatisfaction at the human.' 'What made it much worse was that I wasn'...

Can We Be Friends? A Tale of Two Birds

Everyone deserves a true friend. A friend who will except them as they are. Someone to play, share secrets, get advice, and laugh with. As easy as it sounds, finding a true friend in this world is often challenging, especially as an outsider. But it is possible. Mr. Crow and Ms. Dove's friendship is an example of this. Continue reading this short for a birds eye view on friendship.  Can a Crow be Friends with a Dove? They certainly can. Mr. Crow describes how he became friends with Ms. Dove in this short. Who am I? 'Hello to everyone. My name is Mr. Crow. In my neighbourhood, I am a young, misunderstood bird. I enjoy making new friends, but other birds will not play with me no matter how hard I try. They are afraid of me and run away when I approach. Until I met Ms. Dove, that is.' Who is Ms. Dove? 'Ms. Dove is a delicate and beautiful bird in our colony. She has a lovely and soothing laugh. Ms. Dove is a loner who spends her days minding her own business.' ...

Hunting for Prime Real Estate

Mr. and Mrs. Robin are extremely busy these days. They are preparing to welcome new members to their family. But first, they must find a safe and secure nesting location. It is unquestionably not an easy task. What they have to say about the process is as follows. Ms Robin, 'I am worried. There aren't many good spots left. We need to find a location that ensures protection from the elements. Mr Robin has been hunting for a space and me too.' Mrs. Robin 'I'm concerned. There aren't many suitable locations left. We need to find a location that will keep us safe from the elements. Mr Robin, like me, has been looking for a place.' Finally, the day came when the two found the perfect home. 'It's a tiny birdhouse in the middle of a garden.' It is spacious and comfortable on the inside. 'There is no danger of the nest getting wet or being blown away by the wind,' says Mr Robin. 'The house looks nice from the outside because the h...

The Intruder

Things have been crazy in our neighbourhood lately. All the birds have been gossiping about the new development. The crows and babblers have been put on guard duty. The kites are monitoring the situation from above. Birds have been advised to hide their offspring and stay alert. Humans are also being careful. Boiling heat and lack of good and water aren't the only problems that summers bring. It heralds the visit of an intruder or intruders (which is worse!). Monkeys.  They come in search for water sources. And park themselves on the water tanks to cool their bodies. They are super destructive as well. Some even break the tanks and uproot trees when agitated. If possible they enter homes and steal food. Humans try to shoo them in order to avoid damage.  Like humans, we keep away as far as possible. We take turns to keep an eye on its movements and squirrels chip in. All of us are patiently waiting for Mr. Monkey to leave for peace to prevail. 

The Privileged Birds

We urban birds only have so many corners on which to build our homes. Some build nests in small holes behind pipes or above air conditioners, while the brave will still seek out an unusual tree in the hopes that humans will not cut down their home. Our open spaces are suffocated by dust and grime. Community meetings are held on power lines, and meals are provided by generous humans. The harsh summers and winters make survival extremely difficult. But there are some privileged birds among us. Their house is a lush green paradise. They live in large open gardens that are filled with old trees, shrubs, and even small ponds. There are no buildings, no tree felling, and no noisy humans in their paradise. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner include fresh fruits and flowers. The weather is never too hot or too cold, so they can roam around freely all day without getting tired. How incredible would it be if we could all be privileged birds?