The Privileged Birds

We urban birds only have so many corners on which to build our homes. Some build nests in small holes behind pipes or above air conditioners, while the brave will still seek out an unusual tree in the hopes that humans will not cut down their home. Our open spaces are suffocated by dust and grime. Community meetings are held on power lines, and meals are provided by generous humans. The harsh summers and winters make survival extremely difficult.

But there are some privileged birds among us.

Their house is a lush green paradise. They live in large open gardens that are filled with old trees, shrubs, and even small ponds. There are no buildings, no tree felling, and no noisy humans in their paradise. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner include fresh fruits and flowers. The weather is never too hot or too cold, so they can roam around freely all day without getting tired.

How incredible would it be if we could all be privileged birds?


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