Shikra: The Happy And Satisfied Common Hawk (Part 2)

We had previously learned that Ms. Shikra was dissatisfied with her portrait. She had asked the human to redo her drawing because she was dissatisfied. The human agreed and promised to create a coloured portrait of Ms. Shikra. An unfortunate series of events, such as illness, prevented the human from delivering the portrait sooner. But Ms. Shikra's constant reminders were effective, and it is now here. Let us now see how Ms. Shikra feels. Good news, friends! "It is finally here. My patience has been rewarded. The human has completed my coloured portrait. I've been waiting for this drawing for almost a month. What do you think? Isn't it good?" "Overall, I like it. Of all the features, I love the eyes. Doesn't it look scary yet wise. I also love how my feathers have been drawn. When I showed this drawing of mine to the rest of the birds, they were in awe as well. The babbler sisters approved as well. I could sense their jealousy." "If...