Shikra- The Unhappy and Dissatisfied Common Hawk (Part 1)

Ms. Shikra is displeased. It all started when she overheard the babbler sisters gossiping last month. They were discussing how someone was drawing bird portraits. She approached them, curious, to learn more. They told Ms. Shikra about the human who was drawing bird portraits. Ms. Shikra was directed to the portrait artist by the sisters. She dashed off to see her drawing, hoping to hang it in her home. When she arrived, she asked the human to show her her picture. But what caused her to be so unhappy and dissatisfied? Read on to know Ms. Shikra's story. Here is what Ms. Shikra saw. 'It was ugly,' Ms. Shikra added. 'It didn't look anything like me,' she continued. I am known for my petite yet strong frame. And my sharp eyes. My beautiful white-brown front and silver wings were also not seen because the portrait was in black and white. I was furious, and I squawked my dissatisfaction at the human.' 'What made it much worse was that I wasn'...