Red-Vented Bulbuls: Rains Are Here!

Finally, it's here! Rains. Our prayers and songs were answered. Last week, the heavens opened up and showered us with raindrops. The thirsty and dry plants could replenish their resources leading them to refresh and revive their green and vibrant foliage. The smell of fresh new leaves and flowers spread an intoxicating aroma in the surroundings. Water holes filled up and delicious, fat insects ventured out of their holes. The earth is moist and not dry. Nature's bounty is on full display during monsoons. We absolutely love the rains. Mr. and Ms. Red-Vented Bulbul enjoying the first 'real' showers of the season. No longer do we have spend the day hiding from the heat. Play time extends from dawn to night. The happy-go-lucky Bulbul family can't stop showing their enthusiasm. The couple can be seen hopping, jumping, and chatting at the same time. When asked the cause for their excitement? Ms. Bulbul replied, "We had to wait half-a-year to get some r...