Ashy Prinia: The Master Architect

In our neighbourhood, there are some birds with incredible nest-building skills. It includes Mr. Ashy Prinia. His gravity-defining nests are quite strong in addition to being cool to look at. We are in awe of his finished works. He is a master at everything, including material purchasing and spot selecting. Many of us consult him for advice on nest design, construction methods, and placement. Mr. Ashy Prinia is a great architect! He has been really busy lately. He has been moving quickly from place to place. We know! He is onto another build. As expected, he has done it again. This time, he has chosen to build his nest right in the front of the garden, on the top most leaf of the plant. It is visible yet invisible. Absolutely magical! We observed him skillfully combining the collected feathers and linen with the leaves. When he was satisfied with the stitching, he began to pile extra soft things into the centre. When asked, the master architect shared his thoughts about his...