Hunting for Prime Real Estate

Mr. and Mrs. Robin are extremely busy these days. They are preparing to welcome new members to their family. But first, they must find a safe and secure nesting location. It is unquestionably not an easy task. What they have to say about the process is as follows. Ms Robin, 'I am worried. There aren't many good spots left. We need to find a location that ensures protection from the elements. Mr Robin has been hunting for a space and me too.' Mrs. Robin 'I'm concerned. There aren't many suitable locations left. We need to find a location that will keep us safe from the elements. Mr Robin, like me, has been looking for a place.' Finally, the day came when the two found the perfect home. 'It's a tiny birdhouse in the middle of a garden.' It is spacious and comfortable on the inside. 'There is no danger of the nest getting wet or being blown away by the wind,' says Mr Robin. 'The house looks nice from the outside because the h...