Red-Vented Bulbuls: Rains Are Here!

Finally, it's here!


Our prayers and songs were answered. Last week, the heavens opened up and showered us with raindrops. The thirsty and dry plants could replenish their resources leading them to refresh and revive their green and vibrant foliage. The smell of fresh new leaves and flowers spread an intoxicating aroma in the surroundings. Water holes filled up and delicious, fat insects ventured out of their holes. The earth is moist and not dry. Nature's bounty is on full display during monsoons. We absolutely love the rains. 

Mr. and Ms. Red-Vented Bulbul enjoying the first 'real' showers of the season.

Red-vented bulbuls is a resident bird of South Asia.

No longer do we have spend the day hiding from the heat. Play time extends from dawn to night. The happy-go-lucky Bulbul family can't stop showing their enthusiasm. The couple can be seen hopping, jumping, and chatting at the same time. 

When asked the cause for their excitement? Ms. Bulbul replied, "We had to wait half-a-year to get some respite from the blistering heat. Even though it rained only for two days but it was enough to change the scenery completely. Look around, everything looks so vivid and colourful. This is the best time of the year for us." Mr. Bulbul nodded in agreement. He continued after his wife stopped, "We aren't the only birds who feel this way", pointing towards the Purple Sunbirds having the time of their lives sipping the fresh flower nectar. "Since the monsoon season is becoming shorter and more delayed, we make the best of every rain shower. Also, too much rain in one go is problematic as well. Then nothing dries and we can't come out. Continuous light rain showers are my favourite version of monsoons." 

Has it started to rain in your city?

If not, it may be on its way. So, don't forget to carry your umbrella with you when you venture outside. Or if you are like the birds and love the rains, maybe leave the umbrella home. It's worth getting wet in the first rain at least once in a lifetime.

Have a bountiful week! ☔🌻☕#tbd🦉


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