5 Rock Pigeon Mantras For Resilience And Survival

Kabutars (rock pigeons) elicit two opposing feelings in Indians: 'Aaa' or 'Hhat' (come or go). The rock pigeons have thrived in the busiest, most crowded, and human-dominated regions on the planet, despite the love and abuse they have received. With their concrete landscapes, cities have limited green spaces. Rock pigeons, for example, have mastered the art of adapting to urban environments. These medium-sized greyish-blue pigeons are probably the most frequent in cities today. Have you ever pondered how they were able to accomplish such a feat?

5 Rock Pigeon Mantras for Resilience and Survival

In this exclusive interview, Ms. Pigeon shares her family's mantras for successfully coexisting with humans in cities. 

Rock pigeons are famous urban birds.

Seize Opportunities 

'In the city, there are those who look after us and those who do not. So, we might get grain and water today, but not tomorrow. Knowing this, we pigeons have learned to stay positive and adapt to our surroundings. If we are unable to obtain resources from one source, we move on to another. It takes time and collaboration, but the results are almost always positive. The pigeon community is welcoming, and we share what we have. When grain is scarce, there is competition among the birds. But no one is left out.'

Never Give Up 

'One of the most serious issues we face is being regarded as a nuisance by humans. Our ability to build nests anywhere and everywhere is largely responsible for our community's resilience and growth. This includes people's homes' cool air conditioning units, window ledges, and large pots. The majority of humans are not tolerant of this and will destroy our nests. But we never give up and begin looking for a new location. Once the location has been determined, we will resume our search for nest-building materials. It's exhausting, but a nest is essential, especially when welcoming babies.'

Be Aware of Your Environment

'One of my uncles died unexpectedly. He was flying fast when he collided with those large mirror-like windows. He died instantly. It was a difficult time for our family. Everyone has been made aware of these windows. Then there are the stray cats and dogs, who are always on the lookout for the unassuming pigeon that crosses the street. As you may have noticed, we now spend the majority of our time either flying or sitting on electrical wires to avoid an accident. I believe it is critical to be aware of your surroundings and to pass that knowledge on to your children.'

Keep Your Survival Mode On

'This mantra is a combination of the others mentioned above. Pigeons are frequently seen nesting in unusual and dangerous locations. No, we are not stupid; we simply lack options in such situations. We, too, want to be protected from the elements, and nesting in perilous places is a last-ditch survival strategy. When all other attempts to build a safe nest fail, we simply build one wherever there is space. It is not ideal, but it is required.'

Try to Blend In

'Finally, our ability to thrive in urban landscapes is primarily due to our ability to blend in. Our grey coats blend in with the concrete structures. This also allows us to blend in with the environment and avoid predators. We've changed our diet to eat what's available.'

What do you think of Ms. Pigeon's mantras? Let her know in the comments below. Just like her, each bird has a unique story to tell. Spend some time outside observing birds for inspiration and motivation. Or you can just follow this blog 😊 

Have a successful week! 💪 #tbd🦉


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