Black Kite: The Flying Lesson

Humans and other animals are not like us.

What sets us apart? It is our ability to fly. Our greatest gifts are our wings, without which we feel powerless. We can cover enormous distances, avoid danger, and enjoy our freedom while we fly. The ability to fly is essential to a bird's existence. Once parents feel their children are ready to start their own adventure, they will encourage their children to fly. This is one such parent's story.

Mr. Black Kite can be seen soaring in the skies these days. Three further little kites can be seen trailing behind him and attempting to keep up with him at a distance. These young ones belong to Mr. Black Kite. From behind, Mrs. Black Kite is observing them.

Observing the magnificent Kite family during flying training is always a joy. Mr. Kite is pretty strict. He sees to it that the kids understand the full potential of their wings. His lesson plan for flying covers everything a kite could possibly need to know, including lifting off, soaring high, diving low to catch prey, and gliding with the wind.

"It's imperative that my kids learn these as soon as possible. It is essential to their ability to survive in the urban jungle "Mr. Black Kite stated. "Every precaution is being taken. The young children are first instructed in fundamental flying techniques and made to fly short distances and heights. The little children you are seeing are almost finished with their flight training "Added Mrs. Black Kite, grinning. She explains, "It's a fantastic experience for both of us to witness them effortlessly soaring. They will exceed their father and me one day."

"It was terrifying and challenging at first," one of the children remarked. "We were unsteady and frequently fell. We eventually learned the fundamentals one by one with practise. Today, we can fly as high as our parents. However, we have yet to match our parents' speed and grace. Soon, we will."

"Our last responsibility as parents is to prepare our children for flight. It is therefore a very emotional time. After the lesson, our kids will depart to forge their own paths "explained Mr. Black Kite. He went on, saying, "We do our utmost to ensure that they can fly confidently in whichever skies they choose next. That is what we desire as parents."

Are you learning to fly like Mr. Black Kite's young?

Although it may seem difficult at first, the first takeoff is always the most challenging. The majority of the effort is put there. Once the takeoff is complete, persistence and patience are required. Be like the young kites and strive to fly higher without compromising on your values. On difficult days when you feel like giving up, remember that by the end of the lesson, you will be free. So, keep flying!

Have a soaring week!🚀🌞🌈 #tbd🦉


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