Rose-ringed Parakeet: National No Fly Day

Yes, you heard that right. 

Today is National No Fly Day. This day is observed yearly on August 15. It is a day when birds are warned to not take flight. Because we love flying, no one looks forward to National No Fly Day. We have to stay cooped up in our nests, as venturing out is too risky. But it can't be avoided. 

Here is Mr. Rose-ringed Parakeet warning his child from flying today. 

Why do we observe No Fly Day when we don't want to? 

It is simple, we have no choice. Every year on August 15, humans celebrate their Independence Day. On this day, humans gather on their terraces to fly their kites. A fun sport for them is a death trap for us. While we can spot the brightly coloured kites competing in the air, it is the transparent thread connected to the kite. 

Mr. Parakeet shares, "It is deadly. Many of our friends and family members got injured by the invisible thread. The thread is so sharp that it can cause permanent damage. Some lost their wings while others lost their lives as the thread got caught around their necks. At first we were confused, but the repeated incidents on the same day every year led us to declaring National No Fly Day."

How is it observed?

"The day before a meeting is arranged in the night (so that Mr. and Mrs. Owl can also attend). Only adults are called for this general meeting. The council members than make the announcement- Tomorrow is National No Fly Day! Make sure that you do not fly and stay indoors, especially after 12 pm. Please relay this to children and new members of the colony. It will be uncomfortable but do not take the risk. Use this day to spend time with your family, eat good food, and rest. We just follow the rules." shared Ms. Asian Koel. 

Mr. Parakeet elaborates, "Even though we do fly early in the morning, but the moment we spot the humans, we rush back to our nests. The hardest part is to convince the young ones to stay put. They don't understand and feel stifled. But we have to be strict or risk them getting hurt."

Hence, this way the bird community observes National No Fly Day on August 15.

Do you fly kites?

Please stop! Your entertaining activity kills many innocent birds each year. Despite the fact that the birds have taking the initiative to protect themselves, we must also take responsibility for them. Be mindful and make an effort to celebrate today without harming others. 

Happy No-Kites Day 🪁🙅#tbd🦉


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