Jungle Babblers: The Family Feud

Since Saturday, there has been nothing but commotion in the bird community. The cause being the Jungle Babbler sisters. There are have been running around bickering in the entire lane, disrupting the peace of the community. Everyone is so irritated but no one dared to intervene, the ladies are a handful. Once Mr. Robin who is the most jovial person in the community told them to speak quietly and he was told off by all seven of them. Poor Mr. Robin, it was so traumatic that he did not venture out for somedays. 

But this time, it was not an outsider that had sparked the bickering. It seems one of the sisters had ventured off on her own and made friends with another group of Babblers. This for them was unacceptable and unforgivable. Most of the birds are friendly and would not mind expanding their tribe but not the babbler ladies for them their family unit is closed. 

A Portrait of Dejected Ms. Jungle Babbler

So, unfortunately when she was caught in the act by the younger sister, Ms. Middle Babbler knew she was in trouble. And that is how it played out. The sisters continued to scold her and punish her by isolating and pushing her out of the group. Even though we knew it was temporary and meant to teach Ms. Middle Babbler a lesson, it was still ruthless.  

So, the entire weekend, we witnessed poor Ms. Middle Babbler being bullied by her own family. Her crime- being friendly! Ms. Sparrow commented, "I felt really bad. But that is the way of the Babbler sisters, they are a very close. She should have known this will happen". 

Here is what the sisters had to say- "How could she? We grew up together, play together, eat together, and share everything, then why would she go to another group. The worst part was she has been doing this behind our backs. Obviously, we were shocked and hurt. So, we decided to teach her a lesson. It was harmless, but the lesson needed to be learnt." An apologetic Ms. Middle Babbler who is back with her sisters shared, "I apologised. I did not think it will be a big deal. The other group asked me to play with them and went along. I should have consulted my sisters."

What do you think?

Did the Jungle Babbler sisters overreact? What would you have done if this happened with you? Every family is different, their way of living is different. So, what looks wrong to the outsider may actually be normal for somebody.

Have a friendly week 👯🤍#tbd🦉


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