Indian Scops Owl: Keeping An Eye On The Bullies

Most birds are dozing off in their nests at night. One bird, nevertheless, starts to move around. It keeps an eye on all of the community's nighttime activities. The Indian Scops Owl lives by himself. He doesn't spend much time interacting with the other birds because he is most active at night. He also never shows up for morning meetings. Many birds had recently voiced their displeasure over the nighttime barking coming from the streets. This happened more than once. Only one person could explain it because it was happening at night. Therefore, Mr. Indian Scops Owl was invited to the following community meeting, which was conducted late at night.

Here is what Mr. Indian Scops Owl had to say-

"Good morning to all! It is fantastic to finally catch up with the other birds. What appears to be going on? Why did everyone come here late at night? ", asked Mr. Indian Scops Owl after his customary gruff welcome.

The Babbler sisters spoke in unison "Oh! Mr. Indian Scops Owl, lately, the nights have been incredibly disturbing. We have had trouble falling asleep. The unexpected, sharp sound of dog barking forcefully wakes us up. Some of us, particularly the young, are terrified. What is happening? We believe you would be aware."

Mr. Indian Scops Owl responded by saying, "Ah! Yes, this has been happening for a while. Very upsetting. I have little choice but to observe. The bullies have the perfect opportunity to create mischief now that people are also fast sleeping. Oh, poor Mr. Bownie (the neighbourhood dog). He's suffering in silence."

The curious other birds asked, "Bullies?" "And who are they? How is Mr. Bownie involved, too? He is the neighborhood's friendliest dog. He doesn't follow us, he just goes about his business. In fact, we have rarely heard him bark. He also spends most of his time in one location, away from the younger dogs."

Mr. Indian Scops Owl agreed with a nod. He answered, "The issue is that. He is too gentle and old. He is viewed as a scaredy cat by the other stray dogs. A pack of eight stray dogs are causing trouble and mayhem. All street dogs are getting a poor rap as a result of these bullies."

"I can hear them moving gently at night while everyone is sleeping, including Mr. Bownie. When they attack Mr. Bownie, he promptly runs under a car. But they keep bugging him. Barking in anticipation of scaring Mr. Bownie. It is extremely disrespectful and childish. Fortunately, Mr. Bownie's carer rushes to his aid. She rushes in and chases out the bullies."

The birds began chatting among themselves. Everyone was visibly upset with Mr. Bownie and furious with the bullies. Despite the noise, Mr. Indian Scops Owl continued "You have all been able to hear the dogs barking at night because of this. But I'm confident it will stop now. because Mr. Bownie's carer keeps watch during the night. Therefore, you should not worry."

Satisfied with the response and hopeful about the future, the birds thanked Mr. Indian Scops Owl for his time. They all dispersed because it was getting late. Mr. Indian Scops Owl, on the other hand, returned to his usual spot to resume his night guardian duties.

Have you faced a situation like Mr. Bownie?

It's a depressing fact. Every community has a few troublemakers who ruin its reputation. We frequently categorise everyone based on the actions of a few. Today, Mr. Bownie is pushed away by people who are afraid of him. He really just wants peace and love and is more afraid of them than anything else. Try not to judge people based on the actions of others. Have faith in your judgement, and be kind and respectful to everyone.

Hope you have a mindful week! 🌞🌻 #tbd🦉


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